Farm-to-fork (ファーム・トゥ・フォーク)とは、食べ物がどのように作られ、どのように私たちの食卓に届くかを直接つなぐ考え方で食べ物が畑から消費者に届くまでの距離や工程をできるだけ短くしようとするものです。
Farm-to-fork is a concept that encompasses the various stages of food production and consumption, emphasizing a more direct connection between the production of food on farms and its consumption on our plates. The central idea is to minimize the distance and processes food undergoes between its origin in the fields and the final consumer. This philosophy stresses the importance of sourcing food locally, reducing the carbon footprint associated with transportation, and often involves a commitment to sustainable and organic farming practices. It also highlights the value of fresh, unprocessed, and nutrient-rich foods, contributing to healthier eating habits.
This approach benefits both consumers and producers. Consumers gain access to fresher, more nutritious, and often tastier food options, while also developing a greater awareness of where their food comes from and the environmental impact of their food choices. On the other hand, local farmers and producers receive more direct financial support from their communities, encouraging the survival and growth of small-scale, sustainable agriculture.
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〒107-0052 東京都港区赤坂2丁目2-21 永田町法曹ビルB1
〒107-0052 2-2-21 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Nagatacho Hoso Bldg B1
〒135-0063 東京都江東区有明3丁目7-26 有明フロンティアビル B棟9階
〒135-0063 3-7-26 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo Ariake Frontier Bldg-B 9th floor